Darwyn Cooke-How DC and Marvel must change...

I want them to stop catering to the perverted needs of forty-five year old men, I want to stop seeing Batman fucking Black Canary, I don’t want to hear Batman swearing, I don’t want to see him feeding a boy rats, I don’t want to see characters getting raped in the ass, I don’t want to see characters who have been straight for sixty years become lesbians overnight because the writer’s too stupid or uncreative to come up with something decent, I want to see new characters for a new time, and when the industry of superhero comics realigns its sights to the young people it was meant for, I’ll be there with both arms and feet – Darwyn Cooke

pour ceux qui ne savent pas qui est DARWYN COOKE (vous êtes des imbéciles... mais vous pouvez le savoir, ou du moins voir un peu à quoi cela ressemble ici - http://www.4thletter.net/2009/09/portfolio-review-darwyn-cooke/ -  vous copiez le LINK, j'ai la flemme ce soir...)